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The Siciclando Family

No one knows Italy like this team

We embrace you in our home and our culture. The best way to experience a new place is with the natives — people who not only know the culture, but are the culture. On our bike tours we guarantee native guides — professionals who provide quality service and exceptional experiences. We take you on the backroads we enjoy. Look for experiences that mean something to us. And, we introduce you to our Italian friends along the way. Be Italian with Siciclando.

Designing a new tour with beautiful rides and experiences is always exciting. When my team and I design a bike trip we put ourselves into the shoes of our guest...

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Giuseppe Crinò

Co-Founder and Trip Leader

As a member of the team, I now know that every decision is carefully considered and deliberated. Each tour and every experience is unique and authentic.

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Lezlie Burkley

Communications Specialist

A bike tour is the perfect way to discover Italy — to go at your own pace, and truly become a part of it.

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Ilaria Pontonio

Ground Operations Manager

Life is an adventure with many things to learn and try. For me that has led to many types of careers that overlap and balance each other in a beautiful way.

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Luca Rivetti

Tour Leader Coach

How can you look at life through only one lens? There is so much to see and experience. For me, it is about finding the beauty of different places and different people in a variety of ways — through adventure, culture, and art.

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Andrea Agrippa

Tour Leader

Most guests ask me if I miss Italy, since I now live in Berlin most of the year. I often answer that there is no way to enjoy Italy more than missing it for months and then coming back to the landscapes, the mountains, the food, the sun, every single detail of this astonishing territory.

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Daniele Tarozzi

Tour Leader

I love cycling, hiking, climbing, playing football (known as soccer in the US) and discovering new places.

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Valentin Musteata

Tour Leader

With Siciclando I am able to combine my love of being active, my joy to work with guests from other places, and my passion to share my country.

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Enrico Papini

Tour Leader

My education and interest in nature define my philosophy: "Be gentle with the Earth." This philosophy is a nice foundation for my work with Siciclando.

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Roberta Agate

Tour Leader

Most people call me Orso (Bear), but really I am a teddy bear. It is a pleasure for me to meet new people and share stories from our lives. Believe me, there is a lot to share.

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Daniele Piermarini

Tour Leader

Joining the Siciclando team was a natural fit. We both share an interest in making the most of each day, finding the beauty in the simple moments, and enjoying it with friends. We just began and I look forward to see the rest of the story unfold.

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Amedeo Fiorella

Tour Leader

Cycling or walking with groups of visitors, cooking together, introducing them to my home region and sharing my culture and passions are invaluable experiences for me. This work is meaningful, and deeply satisfying.

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Dario Carzan

CEO/Founder and Visionary